Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kristen Stewart: I Don't Care About 'Sh*t Eaters Who Want to Turn Truth Into Sh*t'

Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson vanity fair


(Mario Testino for Vanity Fair)

Kristen Stewart knows she looks awkward in some red carpet photos ' she just doesn't 'give a f**k.'

The Snow White and the Huntsman star covers the July issue of Vanity Fair, opening up about the public's misguided perception of her, smoking pot and how she and Robert Pattinson got into trouble with Twilight studio bosses.

Pattinson was also interviewed for the article, giving his own personal and candid opinion of his longtime girlfriend and co-star.


On not taking perfect pictures, Stewart says, 'I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph. I get some serious sh*t about it. I'm not embarrassed about it. I'm proud of it.'

She explains, 'If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, 'What an actress! What a faker!' That thought embarrasses me so much that I look like sh*t in half my photos, and I don't give a f**k.'

'What matters to me is that the people in the room leave and say, 'She was cool. She had a good time. She was honest.' I don't care about the voracious, starving sh*t eaters who want to turn truth into sh*t. Not that you can say that in Vanity Fair!'

Pattinson, for his part, observes, 'People have decided how they are going to perceive her. No matter how many times she smiles, they'll put in the one picture where she's not smiling.'

He adds that it's 'funny' people think of her as awkward, because she's actually 'insanely confident.'

On how Twilight changed her life, Stewart divulges, 'You can Google my name and one of the first things that comes up is images of me sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe with my ex-boyfriend and my dog. It was [taken] the day the movie came out. I was no one. I was a kid. I had just turned 18.'

'In [the tabloids] the next day it was like I was a delinquent slimy idiot, whereas I'm kind of a weirdo, creative Valley Girl who smokes pot. Big deal. But that changed my daily life instantly. I didn't go out in my underwear anymore,' she admits.

Although Stewart makes sure to cover up before going out now, she refuses to let movie stardom change dictate how she acts in general.

The actress tells the mag that she and Pattinson both 'got into a lot of trouble' with Twilight bosses because of their offscreen behavior.

She reveals, 'We were getting notes from the studio. They wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob to be not so brooding. We were like, 'No! You need to brood your ass off!''

Check out PHOTOS + VIDEO from Stewart's shoot below!

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(Mario Testino for Vanity Fair)

(Mario Testino for Vanity Fair)

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  • That's the type of girl I like. One who is confident

  • yet another low class interview'keep talking Kristen'.

  • Congrats, Kristen! Great interview, amazing pics! You're a very special woman no matter what people say.

  • Oh Kristen ' please make up your mind as to who you are (or at this point who you want people to perceive you as) ' you're beginning to play the games. so fun!

  • TTT ' you are so fierce!

  • She look great kristen you go girl robert love this girlfriends!

  • Good for you Kristin! I can't imagine having to live my life in the spotlight while constantly being critiqued by every other opinionated 'guest' low life. I think I'd be so inclined as to tell them all to suck it. You're beautiful and you're true to yourself. I find that admirable.

  • I found totally honest and I admire the way she deals with this pocaria '''' you're an idiot shut up!

  • I have, every day, more admiration for Kristen and must be very difficult to deal with idiots losers, she follows her life very well, I wish much success!

  • 'We were getting notes from the studio. They wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob to be not so brooding. We were like, 'No! You need to brood your ass off!''

    And there are still some delusional people out there who think the studios control their lives. Please!

    I also love how Rob defends Kristen in this article. I think it gives us an idea of how he feels about the ones who are obsessed with hating her on blogs and their twitters.

    'People have decided how they are going to perceive her. No matter how many times she smiles, they'll put in the one picture where she's not smiling.'

    He adds that it's 'funny' people think of her as awkward, because she's actually 'insanely confident.'

    She is just breathtakingly beautiful in these photos. Can't wait to buy the magazine.

  • but what verbal diarrhea! it has not dripped on these luxury clothes?

  • Beautiful, Kristen is beautiful with a great family and what a beautiful boyfriend you have, Robert Pattinson.

  • Here's the thing, on the one hand she talks about how much she cares about her career and the fans and on the other hand she says she doesn't give a s**t! Which is it Kristen? Rob spoke much more eloquently on your behalf than you have about yourself. You made some mistakes in past interviews and now that's being used to portray you in a certain light with the red carpet photos chosen to be shown of you. Of course, it's not just about the red carpet where you admit your awkward as well as award shows, interviews, etc. It's part of your job, and an important part at that, to market the movies and yourself. You looked phenomenal this past spring on the red carpet, and didn't have awkward photos shown of you. You stopped slouching and showed the confidence Rob says he sees every day from you. The press was starting to turn in your favor, Snow White was coming out and you have a lot riding on its success (with a strong first weekend box office to boot), and you turn around and give this interview! I'm sure you're a great person as evidenced by how much the people who work with you like you, but you really need to exercise some patience with turning your image and stop giving interviews like this. Just call past interviews a mistake and say it's frustrating because it's created a misperception about you, stop the cursing and whining and move forward with grace and elegance (better yet, stop talking about the problem period). You keep doing these types of interviews, and you will keep seeing the media pick your worst and most awkward photos for the red carpet round up and will shorten the life of the career you say you care so much about. And Kristen, do note that when your employer pays you millions of dollars to work for them and asks you to smile more, just smile and don't complain about it ' it's not a big request on their part.

  • A bad attitude is not a display of confidence, it's just a bad attitude.

  • very well said! I don't think she's a bad actress, but after hearing her talk and the content from her interviews, it's difficult to truly like this girl.

  • Shut-up allready, she young hot and in love; don't forget rich as hell in more ways than one, hopefully she will make many more good movies and maybe marry have kids and a good life with Robert Pattinson, she will do whats best for her.

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