Monday, July 30, 2012

Robert Pattinson Set to Propose to Kristen Stewart Before Scandal Broke?

Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson Rupert Sanders


'Robert Pattinson Was 'Weeks Away From Proposing' To Kristen Stewart,' claims HollywoodLife.

The lazy webloid, which prints every rumor it sees elsewhere, now alleges that if Stewart had not cheated on Pattinson with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, she and Pattinson 'would have been engaged by the end of summer!'

HollywoodLife seems to be basing its 'reporting' on a quote provided by a source for The Mirror, who said, 'Robert hoped to marry Kristen and was making preparations to spring a proposal before she admitted cheating.'

'Unfortunately, those plans were scratched once Kristen's affair emerged,' explains HollywoodLife.

Now, in fairness to the trashy blog, other equally unreliable outlets also published phony 'engagement' rumors about Stewart and Pattinson in recent months.

Except at least those bogus reports were typical tabloid speculation about the next steps for a longterm couple.

HollywoodLife, meanwhile, is dangling a fabricated just-missed engagement into the rumor mill just to intensify the drama of Stewart and Pattinson's current issues and to raise the stakes of her indiscretion with Sanders.

It's just more shameful, facts-free exploitation from a site that's been desperate to wrongly drag everyone into the situation everyone ' including Katy Perry and Emilie de Ravin.

As Gossip Cop has reported ' consistently ' for months, Stewart and Pattinson had no engagement or wedding plans.

The couple was obviously serious about their relationship and living together.

But allegations that Pattinson was 'weeks away' from popping the question are based on nothing.

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  • Why does anyone ever go to that site? I've heard it's HollywoodLies

  • They havent been 'papped' since the crap hit the fan''.My hope is that these two are somewhere working things out some place where they can have peace and quiet!

  • Oh love of God, Gossipcop. Fix your site before you attempt to fix someone else' site.
    Your coverage of this debacle has ranged from, It only happened once, then no sex, the brief hookups.
    Which is it? They are no talking, they are asking.
    You have no clue either.
    Did she have sex with Rupert or not? If she talking to Rob? Are they broken up or not
    Those are th interesting questions which you are unable to answer. Has sh moved out? Was she kicked out?

  • It's time to drop this over talked about subject. Isn't there anything else you can blog about?!

  • can I answer you?Sex with Rupert was the ONLY one she had in a long long time.I have my sources too you know ?Rob treated Kristen like a second hand rag.He was not to married her at all.Don't be blond.Send me their private pictures.No from movie promo.The sleep ball Pattison got the taste of her own medicine.THE PICTURES NO OF ROB HUGGING CHAIRS DOESN'T COUNT.

  • Its time we let THEM MAKE THEIR lifes. Its enough. Let them live and choose what they want.

  • how do you know all these things?
    in Cannes they looked pretty cozy..

  • Apparently not. People reported they are not in communication. What bugs me about this is Pattinson himself is extremely immature. Kids pretending to be adults.
    They both need to grow up , seize what they have, which to me seems solid, talk through it and move on if she is truly sorry and committed.
    Hiding out and not taking calls just ensures more speculation and giving the stor more tabloid lines. It won't fade unless they both address it.
    More silly and untrue stories, people not connected to the events are talking to get 15 minutes out of it. It's just annoying. Hiding is no resolution.

  • More PR. No one knows but Rob, and I don't think he would admit it now.

  • say what????

  • I think the same'they looked so ' good together..and when i think that she was,maybe, then with rupert,it makes me sick.

  • Love of God Dylan!!!! I have no other comment for you

  • And welcome to the new AT board. Our first troll today is Dylan!! Did you forget your meds again?

  • GC can you know if is true that Liberty forgive to her husband?
    And thanks to Giovanni Agnelli to support Kristen publicly, is the only one, he´s a good friend, a real friend support the other even if know the other did the biggest mistake of her life' Gio you are a real friend!!!
    i hope Rob and Kristen can be able to talk together and if Rob decide to forgive to kristen, great, and if he doesn´t want, it´s a pain but it´s the life and the show must go on, but we must accept their decisiones.
    Rob, you must to think in your life during these 3 years with kristen, you were happy, sure you can forgive and rebeginner with her and kristen everyday will show you that you are her unique man and never do it again

  • Same 50 pics came out in Famous mag today. More fuel.

  • How would he know anything?

  • how is he being immature? he could still be wrapping his head around this and still be feeling angry/hurt'he needs to clear his head, make sure he's calm enough to talk to her without saying anything cruel (that can happen when you are angry at the person) and figure out what he wants.

  • If its not true, then why did Rob and Kris' friend tweet that he WAS about to propose, and she got caught on purpose because she ws ready for the relationship to end, and didnt want to marry him? LOL You fail Gossip Cop.

  • Maybe you came late to the party but GC answered those questions. They said:
    (1) They NEVER said it was once. Ya'll can't read. They said it was a 'few' hookups in the last 'few weeks' ' not 'months' like other places reported.
    (2) They said it was NOT sex (though that might have happened we can assume it they didn't get caught).
    (3) They said they're NOT talking.
    (4) Rob moved out.
    Listen, this sucks for all us ' KStew let us down ' but after reading everyone's comments I think people are misdirecting their hate at GC, which frankly has been ' like People mag ' the most accurate.
    Honestly, I'm getting disillusioned by the fandom. Y'all are making us look like irrational crazies.
    Good luck GC dealing with this, but I'm peaceing out on all of this.

  • I kinda agree.
    IF Rob still refuses her calls, it's not the right thing to do. Not for her especially, but for him. He needs to hear her out, listens to what she has to say and her reasons and her pleas, whatever he decides afterwards. It's necessary to be able to move on. Of course maybe they already had that conversation when she confessed. But once the shock and first anger are over, that's when you need resolve and you're ready to really listen. Also, we do not know if Rob still refusing her calls. People said that last week. For all we know, they had this conversation recently, they both addressed the situations. But what's sure is that we'll never know about it. They won't air their dirty laundry out in the open anymore. She made a public mistake, she publicly apologized, the rest is gonna be dealt with in private, as it should be. We'll know soon enough how they are (they have work duties planned). Sc rew the tabloids.

  • What friend?

  • Actually I think Rob is incredibly mature. He probably is too upset to talk to her now without anger. He also is smart to go away to think. He hasn't issued any statements and is not talking to the media or having people spin things his way. I don't doubt he'll talk to her to find out what she could have possibly been thinking. He has been interviewed several times about relationships and consistently has said how much he values trust and doesn't understand people who cheat and that his model for marriage is his parrents' successful one. He is not the immature one in this equation.

  • Which 'friend'? And imo it's easier to say 'no' to a marriage proposal than being caught in a public cheating scandal where you have to confess to your bf what you did and then face the consequences and hatred. Face all this just not to marry your bf? It doesn't make any sense.

  • Why would GC even comment on this? The only way they could have any credible information on this one way or the other would be if they got it from Pattinson himself since he's the only one who would know if he was planning to or not. There is no indication in this report that he or his people have talked to GC at all which means that there assertion he wasn't going to propose is just as speculative and baseless as the reports that say he was. This article is ridiculous.

  • lol footface was not even man enough to say she my girlfriend

  • HA! whatever happens I'm laughing at them. First off twilight the book sucked, secondly the movie should not have done as well as it did. I'm surprised that anyone would willingly sleep with stewart she's just not pretty.

  • That guy on twitter who has the mystery twitter page with no picture, and knows everything about them. I always thought that was Kstew hiding behind that twitter page btw.

  • Jealous much?

  • Agree. this is a conversation that has to take place when his head is clear and anger is not the predominant feeling. If he's not in this state of mind yet, it's better if he doesn't take her calls. But like I said, we don't know and won't know, if things didn't change on this matter since People first stated they'd not been in contact.

  • But people do stuff like that all the time. Kstew was looking for a way out of the relationship, and the whole time Rob was telling her how much she loved him and she couldnt break up with him, so she got caught. They say Kstew feels free now. I thought it was strange that she would look directly at the camera, and cheat outside knowing she is being snapped by pap's at all hours of the day, but whatever.

  • I meant I agree they need to talk. Not that Rob's immature. He needs time. How much, only he knows. Then he needs this conversation.

  • Friend? Gullible much?

  • How is he being immature? You have no idea what his reaction has been to this situation, so how can you make that judgement? He owes the public nothing.

  • Anyone see this ' What do you guys think? This person Jenn Hoffman @JennHoffman on twitter, tweeted back a few months ago that she was banned from the Chateau Marmont for tweeting about what she saw celebrities doing. On July 26, 2012 @ 4:55 pm she tweeted this (check her twitter) 'FACT: The real reason I was banned from Chateau Marmont is b/c I tweeted about Robert Pattinson being there and getting cozy w another woman.' My question is, did Rob and Kristen have an open relationship as long as they didn't get caught or publicly humiliate the other. Just guessing here people. Kristen got caught where Robert did not. We have seen tweets of Rob being at club and bars with females or they were hanging around him. The closest we got was Sarah Roemer in the car but we will never know for sure what happened because no pics like Kristen had. It's obvious that Rob and Kristen don't need to get back together and hopefully when they get into other relationships they won't be with high profile people. That way not everything they say, wear or act will not be analyzed by their fans or non-fans. Just guessing here people but what do you think of that girl tweeting that, she has a lot of followers and she's a writer, etc.

  • That was the least readable piece of gobbledygook I read today! Learn how to write clearly before posting. People might listen to what you say if you write it clearly. Instead, you're being (appropriately) mocked.

  • Yeah I still think that's still much more difficult to face than a simple 'no' or a breakup. Sure that's not easy if your partner keeps claiming his love for you but going to the lenght of cheating in public with all the awful consequences it'll have on her personnal life (having to tell him you cheated and get him mad at you), professional life and image, that just seem much more difficult to do and face than a simple 'I want out'. jmo

  • Agreed. The above guest is naive to assume they should work it out. Cheating is a deal breaker for a lot of people because the adage is true: once a cheater, always a cheater.

  • For amusement?

  • wHAT FAMOUS MAG?????

  • Its like when your bored with a guy, and he is all lovey-dubby, and it annoys you. You subconciously want him to catch you so he can get mad. As you can see the smirk she had in the pics. But once he catches you, and he's breaking down crying, thats when you regret it. Kstew wont get back with him if he forgave her, she's young and ready to move on. The same thng happened to Her other boyfriend. After about 4 years, she cheated on him and left him as well.

  • Nope twitter com / kkkkbug This person knows everything about the situation, and actually tweeted about it right before it happenes, saying Rob knew, but they didnt say when he found out. Rob wanted to get married, and thats when Kstew wanted to break it off. I believe this person cuz they seem too educated on the situation.

  • Who knows what is going on behind close doors, i am sure Rob and Kristen might need some space. u never know they might be even talking to each other. Kristen made mistake she has admitted everyone does makes mistake.
    Media is too much, i hope Rob and Kristen can work out their relationship. They have been through alot in life together.

  • The Chicago Sun-Times reported today that they are talking.

  • I dont remember ever hearing about that tweet before. Besides that doesnt make any sense. How can someone get banned from a hotel for tweeting about Robert Pattinson getting 'cozy with another woman?' Does the Chateau Marmont follow there guest twitter? I would think that a tweet like that would have gotton alot of attention and very quickly. Im guessing that this girl wants some attention and is hoping that a tabloid will pick up her tweet and cash in on this scandel. Everybody wants there 15 minutes of fame.

  • You have to remember that the paparazzi have powerful cameras that can snap pictures from up to a 1/2 mile away, so it's impossible to say if she saw the camera or not. Plus, she always smirks, that's just her natural expression, though what she had to be so unhappy about I'll never know. But I agree with you. RP is someone most women would give anything to be with and for someone like her to just give that up would be insane. I could see where she would sabotage the relationship on purpose.

  • Maybe, but Im convinced she wanted to get caught. She's bored with Robert, and she didnt want to get married. She has James Franco hitting on her. Why would u tie yourself down to one guy, when you can be single, sleep with Rupert, Sleep with James Franco, and any pretty boy in Hollywood? She's just young, and has outgrown the relationship. It happens all the time.

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