Saturday, October 27, 2012

CLAIM: Robert Pattinson Having 'Second Thoughts' About Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson


Robert Pattinson is having 'second thoughts' about Kristen Stewart, according to In Touch.

The tabloid, which was wrong about the couple before their summer rough patch and after their reconciliation, claims the actor is 'having trouble forgiving and forgetting.'

A so-called 'friend' tells In Touch that while Pattinson and Stewart are 'spending more and more time together as they try to see if they can work it out,' Pattinson is having doubts.

'Ever since he took her back, she's been like a different person,' explains the tab's source. 'She's so needy.'

According to the In Touch source, 'She knows Rob isn't 100 percent back in their relationship. That's why she's being so clingy.'

The magazine adds that everyone around Pattinson is allegedly upset about the reunion.

'No one approves of Kristen,' says the In Touch source. 'She wormed her way back into his life by inundating him with phone calls and texts [and] writing him love letters begging for another chance.'


It's amazing how the tabloids continue to sensationalize every possible angle of the Stewart-Pattinson saga for drama, rather than just letting events play out on their own.

Sometimes their reunion is explained as a conspiracy by everyone around the duo to promote Breaking Dawn ' Part 2, while in other tab accounts it's supposedly against everyone's wishes.

In some stories she's driving him away with her supposed neediness, while in others he's allegedly given her a marriage ultimatum.

The only 'second thoughts' here are the contradictions in the avalanche of speculative magazine pieces about Stewart and Pattinson once the pair was spotted spending time together again in recent weeks.

A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop the newest In Touch version of events is 'as inaccurate as the last dozen.'

Robert Pattinson's Career Evolution ' PHOTOS

NOTE: The discourse in the comments section on recent stories about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart has occasionally sunk to nasty personal attacks and ugly language that adds little to the conversation. We'd like our site to be a place where people can show passion while still being civil. Please be respectful of fellow commenters.

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  • Good afternoon!!!! Where are my friends???

    I didn't read the article read yet. It's full of bullshit again.

  • I'm so happy to be the first'.

  • man'I was gonna be the first poster!

  • I was happy to be the first but someone below posted first. :(

  • Maybe I type quicker than you' Sorry'

  • 'She's so needy.' I hear that she demands sex 2 x a month but Rob is still on a ONCE A MONTH schedule. That needy bitch!!

  • guess the trolls are out

  • It's funny how Rob and Kristen always end up crapping all over these rag mags stories! Oh well we needed a new board

  • Wow, I guess In Touch didn't check with Rob and Kristen before printing their lies. Yeah, he sure seems to be having second thoughts. NOT! If he was, they would not have been clinging to one another at the Prince concert. These tabloids are just plain ignorant just like the haters.

  • well if in touch mag so it is FOS and did they saw rob and how he was happy with kristen in the concert that is bad for this mag

  • Who is bitch? You are???

  • is this your man schedule for you oh dear that is so bad for you , go get a life

  • The haters are probably the ones sending in the bs stories in the first place!lol

  • Hey Windmills. Don't bother reading it. It is nothing but lies.

  • Hey Windmills!

  • of course it is them and thhen they hold on to these stories and build their bullshit lies on it , poor souls

  • I would bet on that. They are complete desperate!

  • hi sweetie

  • I also see that Kristen is back to walking two steps behid the master to his group outings and watering holes, back to the broom closet! Wake up people! She isn't married to him and owns you nothing.Let him'do better' with some Eastern European prostitute- model as Donald Trump adviced. He has nothing to offer her. If you can not please a tomboy girl HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU PLEASE A GLAM WOMAN???? Kristen is back with Pattison- G-d knows why!!

  • I am new here but I have been reading and reading what everyone has posted on here and although I have commented a few times it was only as a guest and I didn't sign up to disque until recently. I am a fan of both Rob and Kristen's and I was actually disgusted on how some of their so called fans treated them. I never saw so much hate for a mistake that she apologized for. Noone is perfect.

  • I know'

    It's always .. blah..blah..blah'
    Really? blah'blah..blah'
    Oh? blah..blah..blah'

  • Is this a joke? Do you really think that two very attractive people in their 20s are only having sex once or twice a month and this is normal? Try once or twice a night.

  • Hello PD' How are you? Did you behave?

  • Hello dear' How are you? Were there a lot of haters while I was away?

  • How's the weather up there in my ass?

  • I am taking your post as being sarcastic. I hope that I am right. You have people a little confused.

  • You got that right!

  • They just want to feel special and make themselves feel better by bashing two people who they don't even know. It's sad, actually

  • I'll park here now :)

  • who are you to tell them what to do ? and trump must go to fix his issues first before talking , rob is not him to hang out with prostitutes he loves one girl and he wants her HER NAME IS KRISTEN STEWART ,MOVE ON

  • They are''there is no school on the weekends. Kids are on without their parents keeping watch. Sad isn't it?

  • Rob and Kristen are such a beautiful and sweet couple. I applaud them for holding on to their love and giving it a second chance.I don't understand the hate , I don't understand the vile comments , especially towards Kristen , but now it seems to have filtered over to Rob as well. Live and Let live. It's their life and if they can stand the test of time, I say kudos to Kristen and Rob . How about ' Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you '. Could you , the hater folks, withstand all this drama. Making it through difficult situations usually makes people stronger. Bravo Rob and Kristen. Know you are loved ~~~

  • You heard it wrong'Kristen wants to have sex free 2 x a month but Rob wants it only once a month.

  • Kristen is not a bitch!! Watch yourself.

  • Welcome here bb , you are right those haters think themselves perfect while they do the mistake of bulling and hating they blame kristen while she apologized and don't blame themselves for hate her

  • Hon, if they were having ONCE a week sex she wouldn't be hugging the other man. Women have tender feeling towards a man they are happy in bed with, a feeling that is compared to that of a mother to her child.It is called oxytocin. The IT man wasn't stupid. he is a brilliant man. If he knew that your Robsten was so close together he would never went after her for the fear of sexual l harassment or making a fool of himself.

  • i loved this lol

  • O.K. 'bitch'- sarcasm?

  • Most probably written by a hater her/him-self.

  • She is back with him because it is love guiding her. She knows what she has, and it must be very good, otherwise she would have moved on by now.

  • Didn't Rob tell everyone how he looks up to his parents because they have this loving relationship and respect each other, now he is with the skank, wonder what his parents think. He is as much of a loser as she is , bringing her right back with a slap on the wrist. They didn't even give it time to figure out what went wrong. She was so happy with Rupert , now she hides her face being with Pattinson , must be the shame. If they are truly in love behave like any other couple, hold hand , don't be ashamed of each other,

  • do you know what is the oxytocin first before you talk?

  • Yea it is unfortunately.

  • i am fine , well there was just 2

  • I think they have no sex or why would she hook up with oldie

  • Trump is just using their names to get attention. He's not worth a second spent thinking about him. Another in a long line of people using Rob and Kristen.

  • lol hehe

  • The tabloid, which was wrong about the couple before their summer rough patch andafter their reconciliation, claims the actor is 'having trouble forgiving and forgetting.'

    only line worth reading here. again, why giving this tabs air time? this is a case closed until they brake up (IF that happens). we do not wanna here bs that is irrelevant.

    Can we as fans do something to stop the bs? yes. i for one will not click on any link to any tab article. until i see evidence of any relevant info. if they fight 20 times per day, it is irrelevant. If they are together, that is the only relevant piece of 411. when promo is rolling, i will discuss the promo and interviews. when pictures surface, i will look for them in a fan blog and not the media sites. i refuse to give them any more air time and hits. no papa!!!!

  • I skim it :)

  • Once Rob goes to the outback in Australia he won't be going back to Kristen, the end is near.

  • Why? I just got in'
    But you're coming back right?

  • Hello Windmills :-)

  • i know but i am mad of people who think he is a saint to give rob advices

  • sit down and wait for it. when it happens call me. stop masturbating to abstract concepts. spare us the annoyance

  • Why bother getting mad? Who cares what they think? They don't affect you and they don't affect Rob or Kristen.

  • you remind me' I haven't had any dounts in a long time. can't remember when I last had one :( but I'm pretty sure its over a year at least.

  • I agree with you Glow and people are cruel. As much as I don't understand it either I guess it makes them feel better about themselves or its jealousy. Who knows but they remind me of a pack of wolves that like to descend once in awhile. Rob and Kristen do their own thing and they don't pay attention to what others say and I have read in a recent interview Rob did in Australia that he doesnt even read the tabloids anymore

  • My sweet Kristen will be down under at some point with Rob. Count on that. They will be with each other, planes are a wonderful things for visits. She's not working soooooo you do the math.

  • How can this tabloids not feel embarrassed at the crap they write! What's even worse is that there are people who believe every word!

  • Hey Krista, I think sometimes I saw you posted as Krista too but unregistered one. You're good. I love you to join us too. Welcome!!!

  • well said and hi

  • whatever you say ,she still went out looking for some sex without Rob, lying and stating an apology after being caught. Now they are back she is hiding her shame, she should

  • thats what the wolf said! :)

  • hello

  • Morning to the nice people here too!!!!

  • It's sad.

  • Just got here ' sheenspr or anyone else were Rob or Kristen or both spotted anywhere last night by pics or tweets?

  • He is getting senile in his advanced age, and he is as clueless as the haters and gossip rags are when it comes to Rob and Kristen. Just like the rest'..he needs to butt out of their lives!

  • LoL' better luck the next BS..

  • Keep repeating that while you rock back and forth in the corner. Why do you care so much what Rob does with his personal life, and what complete strangers think of it? Second-hand embarrassed for you lol

  • If you really believe what you are saying then show yourself by registering!!

  • Hello!!!

  • ooohhhhh''so you can predict the future??? tell me the lottery numbers, please!!!

  • Shaun Penn is on the prowl, I sure he would want a piece of Kristen, she wouldn't say no.

  • Good morning Sky! How are you doing today?

  • Look a floor show for the morning, i am impressed

  • You are a fool and an idiot. You are a jealous bitch because Rob is back with Kristen.

  • No

  • None that we know of!!!

  • sweet dreams bb , please cover yourself very tightly thanks

  • So true! Good morning Powder (waves). How are you doing?

  • I feel embarrassed for them.

  • morning sky

  • Guess they all stayed in last night. Nice night at home. Thanks.

  • oh so well said .

  • Morning.. the sky is clear today :)

  • Great analogy Krista! I hope neither Rob or Kristen is reading anything. You made a lot of good points here'''' I'm just one of their cheerleaders :-).

  • I see the flying monkeys are here or should I say flying monkey. Wish a house would fall on them.

  • Who is Shaun Penn? I didn't know Sean Penn has a brother?

  • I saw some really good posts these past few months from you, HKN,Bearly, PD and a few others that i cant think of right now and I agreed with everything that all of you said

  • Because they have no moral compass.

  • Hey Sky, sheenspr and all the other nice people in here.

  • Very good point!

  • thumbs up! ;)

  • because they only count the $$'s coming in of those that are gullible enough to believe ANYTHING in a rag mag.

  • I should advice you to stop hearing to the voices in your head!!

  • Hello Sky, welcome to the mad house'

  • Skkkkkkkkkkkkky! You are the lightning to my thunder

  • They write what the nonstens send them and they pose as friends. You should have seen what they have been saying on their blogs and twitters. They are an embarrassment to women.

  • Good Morning!!! Well' much for a quiet day from nonsense. I might not be able to talk with my mouth'..but there is nothing wrong with my fingers''and I won't be silent with what I write!!!!

  • Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm doing good. How are you?

  • thanks sweetie ,we are happy with you , and welcome to join our international family here :-)

  • Spell Sean right first'lol

  • Wow' I guess he's not having second thoughts' Another meltdown for the haters!!!

  • Hey!

  • Hi Ya :-)

  • Powderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

  • you are right

  • Thanks and I would of before now but I think I was too disgusted by the hatred of some people

  • Hey, bb!!!!'.yeah I detected a very upset troll here!

  • Since when did you become a fortune teller??? You can see that in your crystal ball can you''..well, take it back to the dealer cause it's broken you demented nitwit. She'll be going with him''.move along''

  • I enjoy your deconstruction of GC's writing

  • lol right hehehehe

  • hey,bb!! yeah'.I saw that!!

  • lol'.morning, hon!!

  • Morning, bb!

  • I meant.. I'll be in this comment board until we have to move to a newer one. :)

    I'm in and out between GC, Twitter and FB :)

  • Morning!!!! and doing good, thanks!

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