Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kristen Wiig Says Goodbye to SNL After 7 Years in Show's Last Sketch (VIDEO)

Kristen Wiig Saturday Night Live SNL



Kristen Wiig is officially leaving 'Saturday Night Live,' and the way it was announced was by Mick Jagger introducing her and other high school 'graduates' in cap-and-gown.


The rocker said in the sketch the school's musical department prepared a song to say goodbye.

Wiig then removed her cap-and-gown, and every cast member took turns hugging and dancing with her to the tune 'Ruby Tuesday.'

It was a very emotional moment for Wiig, who was on the show for seven years.

Check out the video below.

What do you think about Wiig leaving?

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  • Unbelievably sad. I will miss her. She's the greatest thing since Lucille Ball.

  • Sucks but that's life

  • they danced to shes a rainbow, not ruby tuesday. ruby tuesday was played after they all danced and were saying goodbye.

  • It was a sad farewell! I'll miss her characters, but I'm glad I tuned in. Wish her the best!

  • Sucks to see her go, Andy Samberg and Jason Sudeikas too. Kristen is the best female cast member ever to perform on SNL. By far. Ghilly!!?? What?''.Sorry.

  • glad to see her go'. now maybe they will develop some other female talent on SNL. The last few years they might as well have named it the Kristen Wiig Show' she was in every skit & it was getting tiresome. I think she is way over-rated.

  • they didnt say anything about the others leaving they probably would have if they were it wouldnt make sense to say goodbye to only one when multiple are leaving, the stuff about the others seems to just be a rumor

  • Noooooooooooo! Kristen nooooooooo! Way too soon. Shine on.

  • Love Kristen Wiig'.great gams too! And a good actress in Bridesmaids'..What are her current plans?

  • she is one of the best cast members since the original!

  • I'll be getting her best of DVD for sure!!

  • Over exposed, maybe SNL relied too heavily on her in recent years. Over rated? NEVER, she is an amazing talent, a comic genius that is rare.

  • She is the biggest leave by far, but the last 3 people she danced with were Sedakis, Sandberg and then Lorne. I think all 3 are leaving.

  • She is the best modern comedienne, head and shoulders above anyone else, it was obvious from the first skit she was in on SNL. Love her. She will soar.

  • I think I'm gonna cry.

  • Do not compare her to the Goddess Lucille. She is hardly funny at all, Bridesmaids was horrid, and the worst part is, she was hands down the funniest person on SNL. So that doesn't say much, and with Samberg and Sudeikis leaving as well, the show is really in dire straits. Thank god for Bill Hader, at least. None of the remaining females on the show are funny, and Seth Meyer's writing and direction has gone to shit for the most part. The show needs a complete overhaul and I don't see a positive future for it if they don't find some funny people, and a better head writer, soon.

  • Lorne will never leave, the show will die with him. He's just the show runner, he earned the final goodbye. It was bs that they didn't honor the other two, though.

  • Ever? Seriously? You do realize the show has been on for 25 years and some of the greatest comediennes have been cast members, don't you? Kristin was, eventually, the only female on the cast and that forced her to step up, and she did. That's when she really came into her own and everyone began to love her but she was not the best female cast member ever.

  • she will be missed as she was of the best cast members :)

  • The most bittersweet part was when Jason came up, it seems forever ago since they did the two a-hole skits and they were both unknowns'.. I'm a man but seeing Kristen tear up made me tear up. Kristen the greatest!

  • LOL, this is easily one of the stupidest comments I have ever read. I honestly didn't want to reply to this because of how baffling stupid it was but yeah'.. do yourself a favor and please pull a Junior Seau and kill yourself.

    'I don't see a positive future' blah blah blah.'

    Yeeaaah, and how many years people like you have been saying that??? It's really cliche at this point. SNL isn't going anywhere. They survived after Murray, Murphy, Farley, Farrell, and now Wiig. And they will go out and find the next big thing in comedy like they always do, so you can shut up about that. SNL has always been hit and miss comedy since day one! And it will always will be. People saying the crap you are saying for 30 years now is really tiring at this stage of bashing SNL funniness. What they have to do week in and week out is an absolute miracle! So sorry if they can't be perfect for you each and every single effin week! Let's see you put on a live 90 minute show in one week span, for 24 weeks in a year A-Hole!!!

    Here's the thing I hate about people like you. Because someone doesn't like something, it doesn't equal to that something being bad or not good. Because YOU don't like Kristen Wiig, doesn't equal her not being funny, it just equals YOU not liking her, THAT'S ALL! There's a big' BIG reason why Kristen Wiig is getting all this attention for leaving SNL, because she is DAMN funny! Do not equate your dislike for her, to her not being funny because IT'S NOT THE SAME THING, and YOU DO NOT DECIDE IF SHE'S FUNNY OR NOT. It's fine if you don't like her, but do NOT come on her saying she isn't funny because YOU do not like her. And the truth is no one gives a sh*t (besides you, and maybe your mom) what you like or do not like because it doesn't matter, you are a nobody.

    I'm sick of you pretentious wannabe comedy nerds who think they know what funny is. You're like those pretentious music nerds who hates Coldplay but loves Radiohead. You all think you're better then everyone else because you THINK you know what 'good' is. Just stop, you're just like everyone else in the world. What you think and have to say has no more or less value than the next person. Because at the end of the day, you are just one person out of 7.014 billion people. Your word doesn't rule all, it just rules you'.. and maybe your mom.

  • Sandberg is probably gone, but I think Sedakis MIGHT stay for one more year. The reason'. He plays a great Mit Romney and it is a election year. The exposure he will get for playing Mit Romney during an election year will elevate his stardom status. That is why I think he will stay on for one more year. Does he really want Taran Killam to get all the credit and fame for lampooning Romeny?!

  • Yeah, they said the same thing about Murphy and Farrell, STFU!

    Of COURSE they were pushing Kristen Wiig dumb ass, she is a true comedic talent and earned her spot. That is like saying, were going to bench LeBron James so we can develop these bench players and give them playing time and a shot. SO STUPID!!! Once LeBron is gone they will get their shot. Wiig is gone, so it is now time for Vanessa, Nasim, Abby and Kate (who I really like) to step it up. I love Abby (because she is so effin cute) but she's reached her potential, Nasim has so much potential of becoming one of the great comedians of SNL as long as she keeps working hard and stays committed, Vanessa is really funny but she's like Ana Gasteyer, she's really good but not as good as the other girls, and Kate has the qualities to replace Wiig out of all of them. There's something there, after watching the few skits that she was in this year, especially the Penelope Cruz skit, her delivery and timing was so on point (though the accent was lacking but it was still hilarious), there's something there.

  • She is the best female Comedian of SNL. No respect to the others cause SNL had some great female comedians but what Kristen has done for the best 7 years was amazing. There were skits that were complete bombs but because of her will for laughter, she force laughter from the audience because she was that damn good. I did not like her character Gilly, yet everytime she had me laughing, because that's how talented of a comic she was.

    And SNL has been on for almost 40 years, not 25.

  • Your comment lost all credibility as soon as you told someone to, ''pull a Junior Seau and kill yourself.' You callously disrespected someone troubled enough to take his own life and suggested that another human should consider taking their life because they said something you didn't like. That tells me that you are an irrational hothead and your opinion isn't worth the ink it would take to write it down. Try thinking before you speak and you might be taken seriously.

  • 'I wanna go to Hogwarts'..'*snaps gum*

  • You read my mind Lil. I saw all of Jaggers performances on the show, flipping back and fourth I just happend to tune in the last 3 min of the show and caught this. I ran and yelled to my girlfriend, 'she's leaving the show', Wiig was my favorite actor on SNL. She is a true talent and will truly be missed. I wish her the absolute best, She deserves it,

  • She was always hysterical, delievering week after week. I will always remember her a Kris Jenner in 'Kim's Fairytale Divorce' Wonderful!!!!

  • SNL started in 1976'

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