Thursday, May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips Wins American Idol

American Idol Jessica Sanchez Phillip Phillips



Meet the newest 'American Idol!'

Phillip Phillips was declared the music competition's season 11 winner on Wednesday's finale.

He beat Jessica Sanchez after scoring the only standing ovation from the judges on Tuesday's show.

Phillips' win continues the trend of men coming in first on the series, which has happened every year since season 7 in 2008.

He also managed to come out on top despite nearly being sidelined from the competition due to ongoing health problems.

After the announcement Phillip, a fan-favorite from his very first audition on the season premiere, began singing his first single 'Home,' but soon became overcome with emotion and was unable to continue.

Check out the big moment below!

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The Winner is Announced ~ American Idol 2012 by HumanSlinky

The Winner is Announced ~ American Idol 2012 by HumanSlinky

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  • yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooohooooo glad he won!!!!

  • WooHoo! Jessica has an amazing gift, but I just didn't connect with her. Phillip SO deserved this win!

  • Phillip was AMAZING all season and his music is truely something to connect with and definately one of a kind. He will have an AMAZING career! Good for him!

  • Jessica Sanchez for Glee!!!!

  • Didn't care for either of the top two. Good for him, Jessica was great too. My top 3 were Skylar, Hollie, and Joshua

  • What a predictable, bland choice. He has no range in his singing voice so I guess he will fit right in with pop radio.

  • American Idol is rigged.This guy had the same sound for every song.I am kind of glad though that Jessica didn't win.She deserved to win but if she won she would have lost control over the kind music she likes to sing.Phillips will have to sing AI's way and sing what they see fit for him too.So for the next couple of years he will be under their thumb and be their little puppet.I mean we have seen how well the past idol winners have done(3 or 4 four have done very well).So maybe it was a blessing that she didn't win.AI is nothing more than a popularity contest but in the end talent is what is going to determine if you make it.Popularity is a fading thing and only last until the next hot thing comes along.

  • for us filipinos the winner is jessica she has an amazing talent

  • Philip Philips was the most Definetely winner! He was over all the most talented in every aspect of the competition. He was also the most humble of all. Jessica is a very good singer, but not as talented and she should learn a little humility. She will do well though. Congrats to you Philip and have a very speedy recovery.

  • Glad this fixed show is over now watch AGT!!!!

  • What the hell are you talking about, when was Jessica ever arrogant? You're just a hater.

  • Can I like her if I am white?

  • Or black?

  • Hey guy! People have voted: that's what the show is all about!! Now, you are free to buy their CDs or their concert tickets, either for Jessica, Philip or any other singer. Now for me, I am more than happy with the result because Philip is a unique, original, honest and talented artist. Congrats to all contestants with a special mention for Joshua ;)

  • I agree. Winning AI doesn't always equal success & perhaps it's good that she didn't win. I'm sure there will be labels who will want to sign her, so she'll have her pick.


    Wayy more succesful than Phillip Phillips even though he took the win..

  • She has so much talent!
    Did you just listen to that performance she did?! DAMN, she can hit HIGH!

  • Soon became overcome with emotion and was unable to continue.

  • ahaha wowwww phillip is not at all pop! american idol shouldn't necessarily be about the best TECHNICAL singer but the best sounding artist. in this sense, america got it right. jessica did not have the ability to connect with the viewers at all' never mind the fact that she was singing songs about spending the night with guys when she is SIXTEEN! it's pathetic that people like you think that the types of songs that she has been singing the entire season (which she has, for the most part, chosen herself) prove that she should win. she is nothing but a sellout. its great to see that for the first time in the history of american idol that a true ARTIST! phillip is the furthest thing from bland' jessica is the one who is singing whitney songs the exact same way whitney sang them; talk about bland.

  • How is she a sellout?Songs are just songs.She did just like Phillips only difference she did it vocally better.It didn't matter if she sand gumdrops and lollipops it was already rigged that was guessed the two times he was in the bottom two and didn't go home.I know you are going to say the judges saved her and yes they did and she didn't up in the bottom two again after that.Phillips vocals and sound didn't change.You talk about the choices they picked for her some were not good choices but she sang them with beautifully with heart and soul.It never matter what she sang she was not supposed to win.She made the changes the judges told her too and then they still told her it wasn't right.So it was tell tell from that moment and when they sent josh home who was going to win.I don't believe america got it wrong (because we don't really know about the votes) because I don't believe america had a choice.A true artists whose illness came out a day or week before finals.I am not saying that was his doing but it was very suspect giving the timing.But it is over now and know the real idol will be chosen in in the real world,not some rigged TV show.

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