Sunday, May 6, 2012

WATCH: 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Parodied in Mock Mother's Day Commercial on SNL

Fifty Shades of Grey Saturday Night Live SNL



'Saturday Night Live' mocked the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' phenomenon that's captivated Hollywood and the rest of America.

In a parody Mother's Day commercial for, moms are surprised by their gift-giving spouses and kids as they're getting all sexed up reading the erotic novel.

Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.

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  • Extremely funny parody. The book is really good though.

  • If you think the book is good, then you're so stupid that you'd believe me when I said you can buy the Brooklyn Bridge from me for, say, $1,000.

  • Seriously, you wouldn't say that to someone's face so why be mean like that?

  • The fact that this was ~published and people are pretending it's an actual book and not fanfic run wild makes me want to weep for humanity. All the abusive issues aside, the actual writing is horrific. I read it as fanfic right up until the tampon pulling scene and wow. Awful writing. AWFUL.

  • It's not pretending to be an actual book. It's published. It's a real book. It's obviously good writing (or at least good ENOUGH writing) to please a lot of people. If you didn't/don't like it, how nice that you have a choice not to read it. To each his/her own. (I sure wouldn't 'weep for humanity' over it. Surely there are many issues more worthy of such emotion,) In the scheme of things, I fail to see the reason for such strong reactions about this. Honestly.

  • You almost hit the reply button correctly. It's not a real book. It's fanfiction. The only reason anyone ever knew it existed is because it used the characters of Edward and Bella in its original format. It was self-published initially. And people with no taste and sexual repression issues fangirled all over the damn place and got it attention.

    And saying 'if you don't like it, don't read it' is by far one of the most ignorant ~arguments ever used. How is anyone supposed to critique or review anything or know if they like or not unless they read it? And the fact that anyone thinks this qualifies as well-written IS reason to weep for humanity. I don't only use that emotion for horrific tragedies. I use it for the dumbing down of humanity and the rise of abusive males as romantic leads as well because I think it's sad. Honestly.

  • I didn't read it but I know what it is and I think that the whole idea of this thing is a cheap shot at making more money on Meyer's Twilight.I'm not a big fan of Twilight, but I hate people being greedy with no bounds and trying to make some cash on sb else's work.

  • So do you think porn movies are 'real movies' because they are released on a DVD just like other real movies are? Do you think Anal Cheerleaders 4 has the same artistic merit as Schindler's List?

  • When I read this as fanfiction a couple of years ago, I thought it was incredible. I had never read this kind of BDSM before. There have been stories in that genre I've read that were purely sexually driven that didn't interest me. This story about an a**hole with a whip and a heart gold was something that I was drawn to almost despite myself. As I read more fanfiction, however, I found that this was' pretty terrible.

    It's not written well. The premise is appalling. And Christian's disposition is abhorrent. How women swoon for THAT is just gross to me. But this is America. And people like Jersey Shore and Justin Beiber, of course they'd like Fifty Shades of Grey. And of course, they have a right to.

    I just think it's sad that this fanfiction has captured American women so much. And it frightens me that people will think Twilight fanfiction is exactly like that.

  • I have read a million fanfics, well probably not a million but on the scale of the ones i have read this one doesn't even hit the top 100. Now if they made Clipped wings and Inked Armour a 'real' book I'd be down for that one!

  • I read it to on fanfic and absolutely fell in love with the story. If you stopped reading after the tampon scene, than you have no reason to condemn it. That part was early on in the story, and if you stopped reading it, then you missed one hell of a ride. Hate to disappoint you, but after E.L. James posted the original as Masters of the Universe, and had the ff turned into the books, millions of people all over the world disagree with you! True the tampon scene may have been crass, but the rest of the story was incredible. Don't go hating on the story when obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about since you didn't even finish reading it!

  • Melanie, I DID NOT MEAN TO LIKE YOUR ABOVE COMMENT BECAUSE I HIT THE WRONG BUTTON!! Who are you to critique Fifty Shades when you said above that you didn't even finish reading it!! It is small minded people like you who talk crap when you don't even know what you are talking about!! Fifty shades was not about ABUSIVE MALES at all! It was a story about an abused child who grew up and eventually finds love with a girl who helps him with his demons and falls in love with him. Before you start spouting your hate about nothing you know nothing about, READ THE DAMN BOOKS FIRST!

  • thhat's why u liked it! by the way the books is crappiest of the crap crap along with Vampire Diaries books (NOT THE TV SERIES) which are totally different!

  • I love how people comment on books they haven't read. If it is not your thing you don't have to read but how can you condemn a book you haven't read. The three books have obviously evolved past the 3 fanfic mark. people keep tearing it down but it can not be that bad if so many people like it. It seems like people, no matter what are going tear down her success but they can't because while people bitch and complain she is laughing all the way to the bank'. and those people are stuck in their life complaining.

  • loll it wasn't the scene, it was the crappy writing. The ellipses. The 'oh my's' the 'oh jeez' IT WAS HORRIBLY WRITTEN. Millions of people watch Jersey Shore and love it. Millions of people can think whatever they want. Doesn't change the facts. It doesn't surprise me that millions of people like it. It's the people like you who act like it's well written that surprise and dishearten me. I don't find anything incredible about a man who abuses a woman because he was abused as a child. I'm sorry that you do.

  • I'd rather be staked face down to an ant hill than read those books in their entirety. (which I'm surprised he didn't do to her btw) I've read enough to to form an opinion. You don't have to like it or agree with me. And I'm so so sorry you think it's a healthy love story. :( You might want to look into the issues behind that when you look into your obvious anger management issues.

  • I loved it when it was a fic and i love it now that it has become a book' Icy/ EL has done a wonderful job. lets see you do any better, do any of you write? if you think it is bad .. so be it. but ICY is cashing them checks honey while your still living hand to mouth don't hate. Most of the fanfiction community such as myself are very proud of our sister and those who are not are simply jealous.. plain and simple. the books are popular and as always when one rises. another tries to tear it down. if you did not read the books or the fanfiction your two cents have NO merit at all.. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU ICY and we love you.. Cant wait to see the Movie!!!!

  • Melanie, stop hating. Find something positive to focus all of your negative energy on. You are bullying. Not cool.

  • IIt's a book for open minded people who can step out of their 'safe' lives and enjoy a great tale. It is not porn because it is a love story. Bad stuff happen to people and it effects their psyche. If you read all the books you would see the struggle that Christian has differentiating what he thinks he needs to true love. Ana is the heroine in this story, she basically saves him, and shows him he can have love. It's not another Twilight. Maybe the themes are similar, but u can take books throughout history and say they are alike in different ways. I don't know why u would have even bothered posting if you didn't like the book. It must have affected you in some way, which is what is wonderful about books! I think this story is wonderful, exciting and let's the reader step out of the box.

  • If you had read the book you would know that it in no way resembles Twilight

  • Hahaaa it's a fun, fiction people! One made to take you on an escape of life's stresses! I think it's absolutely fabulous! E.L. James gets a big thank you from me. And to all you critics up there, please leave the titles of all your best sellers and I'll be sure to read them! Hahahaaa

  • Its fine if you dont like it, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you shouldnt put people down because of it, all you are doing is proving yourself to be a bigot.

  • I have read all the books'..they were all awful and I wrote sexier erotic stories in high school'.That being said it had a train wreck quality that I could not look away from''So bad you just have to see how bad its going to get'.My biggest issue with the book is that its NOT sexy the sex is mild at best and now they are saying this is making women want more sex'..No women wanted sex before this book but of course we have to have the mentality that women hate sex'.

  • Interesting, your panning a book yet you read the entire series which means you put more money in the authors pocket. Most people don't read the entire series of a book they hate so this is funny.

  • Agreed, so how many of these people have EVER even tried to write a book? yeah'

  • Im sorry you think I bought it''no I never said I bought it'..I said I read it, there are many ways to get books with out buying it!!!

  • Yes, I have. Mine is written better, has a better story line, has proper grammar/edited properly, and isn't plagiarized from Stephenie Meyer.

  • Are you serious? Everything about the characters is EXACTLY like SM's stories. Erika Leonard stole EVERYTHING from SM.

  • Bullying? I think I peed myself. You're delusional, LTS!

  • This is hilarious!! Loved it and love Fifty Shades!!

  • Lighten up! Go get a little

  • Open-minded? Now, I peed myself at that one. I read it in its entirely as MotU. I enjoy reading BDSM stories. The BDSM isn't even real BDSM.

    Furthermore, you just described Twilight' 'she basically saves him, and shows him he can have love'

  • A bigot? LMAO!!

    Apparently you own the Dictionary for People Who Want to Make Up Definitions.

  • Actually, I would.

  • If you haven't read it then you have no room to judge or comment. Above all it is about relationships and give and take, compromises.

  • Ha! Some people are so 'Vanilla'. Let us enjoy the series if we choose to.

  • Its not that im 'vanilla.' Infact I would venture to say people who thought this books sex bits were hot are vanilla'.I dont know if im desensitized because I enjoy porn and what not but this book wasnt sex or hot to me'.

  • well i sure for one would like to read yours, sheelly. I write also

  • LOL' there are 31 flavors!!! Some may be vanilla and some maybe Heavenly Hash

  • I get it now Sheally'YOU ARE JEALOUS!!! I love it! Your a writer that no one is obsessed with!!!

  • I get it now Sheally'YOU ARE JEALOUS!!! I love it! Your a writer that no one is obsessed with!!!

  • Melanie. You need to take a chill pill and open your eyes.

  • I know a ton of ladies that just started reading the books because of all of the press around them. I'd say 95% of them ha no idea that the series was Twilight fan fiction first. When I tell them (because I feel like this fact should be known), they either don't care, or get turned off and stop reading.

  • i thought this book would not be my cup of tea ( i'm English !) but it is the first series that I could not put down and when I had finished the last one I went back to start again ! It does not apsire to be Shakespeare but just a wonderful love story with redemption and Trust as its overriding themes Yes there is sex in it and a bit of role play stuff but it is not Porn I have read all The Twilight series and there are obvious comparisons but that is primarily because the inspirations are Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as themselves NOT edward and Bella I have caught the fan fiction bug now and I say Good Luck to EL James if she brings a bit of light relief to her readers is that so bad !Also I thought the Amazon AD was freaking hilarious There is lots of humour in these books as well as thought provoking issues. Wouldnt we all like to meet a billionaire even a kinky one !lol

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