Thursday, August 23, 2012

Robert Pattinson Visits Jimmy Kimmel, Talks Craigslist, Cars & Public Sex (VIDEO)

Robert Pattinson



Robert Pattinson appeared on Wednesday's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' where the actor talked about being homeless, stumbling upon a hotspot for public sex, and buying his cars off Craigslist.

He also helped Kimmel conduct a Skype scavenger hunt with two pairs of college roommates and managed to get bleeped a few times while describing a particular Cosmopolis scene that's been getting a lot of attention.

Check out the videos below!

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  • He is GAY, ISN'T HE?? What is a big deal? Not like you Twilight fans are going to hook up with him.

  • What a sad lad he is. No balls

  • Last nights interview was so strange nothing made sense. Even jimmy looked completely uncomfortable and awkward. I dunno what to make about him supposedly selling the house he shared with Kristen,its a bit soon to be making decisions like that ,everything is still really raw,and feelings and emotions can change in the next couple of months,hes still got to work with her and stuff,you would of thought he would wait till after breaking dawn and if his feelings haven't changed then make a clean break. But if he is selling his house and cars and everything they had together than i think hes just running away,acting out of anger,its kind of immature later on he will regret it.

  • Oh yay a new board to fill with mindless drivel. It was getting too hard to follow the crazy on the last one.

    Carry on mindless morons, carry on'.

  • Giggly as a schoolgirl.

  • You guys sound crazy. He looked and sounded fine. He was carrying his balls in his hand pRoud. 'WUT' no running when youre sitting next to Jimmy and JK was perfectly funny and at ease with RP. It was all good. Does he evade and make up funny stories to avoid personal info, for sure. But he's a character amd good on camera. Don't make up things that don't fit equation. This dude is def not gay and won't stay single for long Fo Show!

  • the show was GREAT Rob was so funny and cute. Love him so much. ROB you can move in with me lol! <3

  • Ofcourse as gay and happy a guy newly freed from the trampire can be. Bring on the French kissess for the ladies.!!

  • I think the only thing bothering him now is the wacky fans and the onslaught the media has been harassing him. He needs time away from the crazy. A good dude! A real dude! Gotta give up for Robert lots of fellas would have ran hiding, he's like forget that and wants to move forward. Can't wait to see Cosmopolis after this interview.

  • he is not gay but you are an idiot!!!!

  • dylan kiko happyfeet'please don't start this again

  • She allagedly made the demand for sex. Deal breaker. Instead on once a month the girl wanted is every freaking week after Sunday service! Nobody will tell Mr. Pattsion how often to have sex. Not when he is sober anyway.

  • Rob was typical Rob on this interview. Nice and relaxed with Jimmy Kimmel (Josh Horowitz and Jimmy Fallon, too). Reports are they talked between themselves nonstop between segments, so there was no tension or anything between the two. And Rob has always talked nonsense in his interviews ' so the homeless bit and biking and craigslist are just more of the same. Wish he would have talked more about the movie, but it was good just seeing him relaxed and happy ' and looking very fine.

  • Wow..for someone who wants to get away from twilight and the crazy fangirls this was NOT the interview to do! Not focused on the movie, not focused on the wild sex with females in the movie..but anal fisting, lycra shorts, dogging, etc.. at least pay attention to the 4 college coeds placed in front of you!!! I usually love Rob but maybe it is time for that publicist'just saying

  • I dont understand why sell the house? After this all dies down he can return there, and if the memories are too much, he can just re-decorate, change furniture etc. Im not sure the decision to sell the house is made in a month. Yeah he tries so hard to deflate and hide his pain by making silly jokes, giggling and laughing all the time'..but well i know it must be hard to face the public when you are a high profile celeb with lots of drama in your personal life.

  • So what, he was born this way maybe.

  • Talking about going to that cruising area was strange and didn't know until it got raided. Maybe Kristen got tired of him hanging with his assistant everyday and biking with him at that gay place and not her. His assistant Jeff lived with them in that house right? GC doesn't give up with this and putting Rob and Liberty's article together is ridiculous. GC please let it go and maybe every one else can.

  • Yes, a cyber bully like you would know what having balls mean.

  • You are an idiot. Stop bullying and get a life.

  • He never said anything about selling his house, he was talking about selling his cars. His house is behind an archway, maybe he just doesn't want the papz and crazy fans to know he is living there. You people are crazy.

  • i think he got more excited talking about anal fisting .

  • He could be not coming back

  • Talking about dogging (having sex in a public place) was an obvious dig at Kristen.And no,his assistant never lived in their house.

  • Tecjnically Rob doesn't own the Los Feliz property it is in a Trust controlled by his manager.

  • CRY KScrew CRY in your cave! Huahaha You wouldnt know balls even if they hit u in the face, especially after having Rupervert's nonexistent ones do that to u daily.

  • No one knows if he's actually going to sell his house. It hasn't been listed yet. He will be filming three movies out of the country in short order, so perhaps he will just do what many other stars do and rent their houses out. He has said to other interviewers that he's homeless and living out of hotels before while he has had the house, so this means nothing. And as far as the silly jokes and laughing ' that is how he has always been. He has made it clear he isn't going to discuss his private life, so he doesn't.

  • Focus wasn't on the movie anyway. Focus was to focus on sth else rather than elephant in the room, ya know'. So, he did well, he was diverting attention with his usual, funny and bizare stories he likes so much. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • He not gay,stop being mean,what do you want him to be a douche ,he a sweet guy,it british humor he has

  • Once again people are taking everything he says way to seriously.

  • And here comes another thousand comments on GC

  • The only person I heard that was living with Rob and Kristen was her brother Taylor.

  • Some of you are taking this too seriously. It was a silly interview and it was funny, I don't think he meant anything by it.

  • So he mentions being in a car, day after day, sitting around and then the big raid hits. Hello people, kristen in a car, day after day, and then the scandal hit. Pretty much called her out on it. Reading between the lines.

  • Who sober would want sex with tomboy Kristen. Only drunks and midlle aged perverts want to have sex with her.

  • Bullying ' Kristen Stewart is being bullied not Robert Pattinson.

  • you guys talk as if he couldn't wait to get rid of Kristen and go and have public sex, find his screwed up female fans and give them a chance'lol, or dating all the Hollywood bimbos. You are so wrong. He will never forget Kristen no matter what, she will hunt him forever. They have major history together. As hurt as he might be, he will never hate her, diss her for your sick pleasure. They may never be romantically linked, but their bond is undeniable. At the least they will continue to be friends. How hypocritical is this fandom. I remember when Rob was making WFE with Reese, his screwed up funs was cheering and gloating so much about Rob having a fling with Reese behind Kristen's back. They were so glad he was potentially cheating on Kristen with a married woman with kids. Reese was their hero. They went as far as thinking Reese would divorce her hubby for Rob, and how hot it was that she was 10 years older than him. When a 22 y/o girl is caught making out with an older married man (please I'm not making excuses for her, just pointing out you hypocrisy), she is the ultimate hateful bitch, whore, tramp, trash'etc. etc. The point is, haters are going to hate no matter what. You hated Kristen before, you hate her now and you will hate her forever. Why? They are not together anymore, you should be glad and not talk about her anymore, but you can't help yourself. You still see her as a threat, she hunts you too, you can't help it, and you are scared of her for some reason.

  • It's jmo but I think he is either gay and I am not talking happy or bi-sexual and if that is what he is and after that interview most people are getting the same vibe now and I wish him well and Kristen to.

  • Rob was adorable last night I enjoyd watching it.

  • @little guest and how do you know for a FACT that his assistant Jeff did not live with him in that house? You don't it's just your opinion and is mine.

  • What 'thier' house? He didn't even have a girlfriend untill scandal. Stop fulling yourself. He had /has no feeling for her. just stupid, plain old slow dreamboat Pattison.

  • I think he was funny and it was fine. I think people are completely over-analyzing this thing.

  • Yeeeeeesssss, but who does the trust belong to? Anyway, if it's part of a trust there are probably other real estate holdings as well. It's smart, it keeps Robert's name off the property, thus harder to track where he is.

  • He's selling the house and people are saying the house is listed, I don't know how true that is.

    I think it's probably not the memories, but the hounding of paps and fans. Now everyone knows where he lives, it's probably really hard to go in and out of your house with 100 cameras in your face everyday.

  • No,people are hating Kristen for her actions and hypocrisy. Idiots are bullying Rob.

  • @Jessica ' I'm glad you mentioned the only person you heard living with Kristen and Rob was her brother Taylor. You heard that from that Australia girl on twitter, right? Robkat13 or something like that. She is a liar and claims she's friends with Taylor on FB and he;'s spilling personal information to her. Well I don't know if she knows this or not, maybe you should tell her, after her comments the other night about the pic of Rob's assistant, Taylor and Kristen's assistant's brother a lot of people are now aware of her. Her comments have been sent to people that sent them on to Kristen's team and others. She really screwed up.

  • 'I don't think he meant anything by it. 'Right. Just like his relationship with Kristen.He didn't mean anything by it either. He never means anything. Meaningless

  • Troll

  • Is this one of your many personalities Kiko/Dylan?

  • You wish he was gay so you could get some 'free love' for him lol

  • What you are doing is called speculating, not having an opinion.

  • Im pretty sure he was talking about himself. He wouldn't be laughing and giggling about it if he was talking about Kristen unless it turns him on. Im sorry but there's something strange at how he talks .

  • I can't wait until next year when he does promos and it's no longer about Kristen or Twilight. It will be all him and him alone. Kristen is out of his life and I hope she knows now that he's moving on and she's needs to. Kristen take off that ring and that hat and move on with your life. The relationship had problems and they won't get better if he takes you back. You both will find other loves and be happy.

  • Rob deserves better things for career, new house and new girlfriend.

  • I think she was important, that is just like your first love, you think of them fondly. He can't hate her, he loves/loved her. I think the fans just really are making it worse for everyone involved. I also think the media needs to stop saturating every article with them. Let them live in peace already.

  • Dylan/kiko/happy feet ' I was wondering when you were going to crawl out of your hole.

  • Cool a new board! Can't let the drama die down now can't we? Let the battle begin (or continue). Here comes comments 999999999.99.

    BTW, Rob always says he's homeless. Kimmel ask him this all the time. Nothing new. Just Rob being his funny wonky self. I commend Kimmel on at least trying to keep it comfortable for Rob.

  • That is the dumbest thing I heard yet. he wasn't sitting in a car he was bike riding through the area. I was thinking about why he would have come up with such a bizarre interview . He could have went overboard on the gay innuendos so everyone would talk about it and forget about the other stuff for a while. This did have people guessing about' what was he thinking.I was mostly surprised he would talk like that knowing a lot of young girls would be watching him. Even if it was a late show his fans wanted to see him and more so after all the hoopla going on.Or maybe he was just sick of all the gay rumors and threw that in for spite.

  • why wouldn he come back? The papz knew all the time where his house was.The house is well protected and very private.It is not as if they were married and the house is under both their names, so they have to sell it in order to settle the account. How many celebs break up with they bf/gf, but they dont sell the house after 1 month. He was brave enough to take public interviews 3 weeks after, and cant return to his own home lets say 3-6 months from now? He will be gone a lot this year to shoot in englad, australia, so whats the point in rushing to sell it? Unless the pain is too much to bear, and the memories are too strong? Well, please he isnt a teenage girl who lost her first love and doesnt want to eat, breath, sleep anymore'lol.

  • He was as fuuny ans sexy as an ortopedic shoe.

  • Sorry, as someone who prepares trusts, I can assure you that his manager may be on the paperwork but Rob is the trustee of that trust. It not only prevents liability but also helps to keep his name out of the public records.

  • He said at JK: 'I rented this archway, and i just lived behind' And now he is homeless. He mentioned it twice 'i lived behind this archway' means now not anymore.

    His former house has an archway. He is selling house, cars. Its over he is moving on!

  • The car comment you can tell is true by the way he said it and body language.

  • sure,thats why you idol banged her for 4 years'lol. Thats why what you have to do is just take a look at his eyes to see the pain and the shining gone. If she hadnt been caught cheating on him, he would still be with her. But keep telling yourself that'lol

  • @dylan ' You really do spend to much time putting these people down. You need a lot of help, I am serious..

  • I'm still waiting for you to provide the listing for the house. You said so definitively on the other board that the house is on the market so just waiting for the proof. I'm sure you must have something more conrete than the nonsense he was spewing on JK last night.

  • Dylan Kiko Happyfeet'take your meds

  • I highly doubt that, it mad he look bad not her. I don't think anyone but you equated gay sex with Kristen kissing a man.

  • Dylan,you changed your moniker but your atrocious spelling is still the same.

  • Then you're saying Rob was a drunk ,or don't you really believe he ever had sex with her. If not then why were they living together if they really were?

  • Well I think if he really was or is in love with Kristen then maybe things will work out and he can for give her in time and maybe just maybe get back what they had'
    Kristen make a mistake people and you all no there is a lot of people all over the wound do make the same mistakes everyday , but do they get the shit she get ? No why cause it's only because of who she is and who's she with '
    They have been together for what 3 or 4yrs and she helped him get that Job (making Twilight) and from there they fill in love and became best friends'. They were there for one another when they needn't a friend or just someone to talk to or just to be there'
    And yes some where along the way Kristen get lose but she make a mistake people she maked out with some ass who wasn't Rob and now yes is hurt , but all he can do is run away from it , when he called be working it out and wanting to no why? I no I would f##ken want to no why and how long it's beeing going on '

    Love DOSENT go away over night and going out to find the next one just to piss her off or to make you feel better DOSENT help' I no I would no give up the one I really love just like that , I would be piss and yes I would be so fucken hurt but I would not give up not if I really really was in love with all my heart and soul with someone , yes it would be hard to forgive right a way but I would in time '.

  • If you google his address you could probably just see the listing. The MLS system allows for them to be picked up on the net including Loopnet (dot) com

  • 'The Cosmopolis star spent 10 minutes effectively trolling Jimmy Kimmel last night, and the result is a sight to behold ' particularly because it contains nary a mention, implied or otherwise, of Pattinson's very famous ex-girlfriend. (Kristen Who-art?)'
    This is quota from, it summarize everything you should know and I'm sorry if some of you are pissed, well, it is what it is'.LOL

  • I think it was just him joking around and it's being dissected word by word. But he looked like he wanted to get the heck out of there. Who knows what was going on behind the scenes or if any of the crazy fan girls were hurling insults to him or about Kristen outside when he got there.

  • Rob has a publicist and it's Nick, way better than anyone else. Just look at GC and it's making Rob to be Saint Rob. We don't know the real Rob. He talks a lot of BS in his interviews and his magazines articles just make you go WTF. Maybe his cheating comments are just more of the same BS and he was only humiliated because she got caught publicly. Maybe he has cheated on her being gone from each other weeks at a time and Rob does like the bars/clubs and he's like honey and all the bees fly to him when he's out. Maybe it's because he just never got caught and I always thought there was more to that Sarah Roemer story and he probably left with her alone with no pics. All of this is Just my Opinion so don't get your panties in a wad. I'm just saying Rob is not perfect and through the years he has led the fans and interviewers on with his I would date a fan, they (the fans) would have to sleep with him and other comments he's made. He's always giving off that I'm single and ready to mingle vibe. Maybe he and Kristen had an open relationship as long as they kept it on the downlow but Kristen messed up. I don't know, he never claimed Kristen and would get pizzed if someone tried to say they were together or asked about it. It's all weird and Rob is weird.

  • Kristen is the most awkward person to watch on an interview and she doesn't take this much flak for it. The fans won't be happy until they tear all of them apart.

  • Right. There's no listing. That's my point.

  • moving on where? He will still be based in LA, its his working place. If he moves accross the street and buys an expensive car ( yeah he can afford it), its just logistics. He can run away, but he cant escape'lol

  • He was hilarious and charming in that interview. Kudos to Jimmy Kimmel for avoiding personal questions. Why do people dissect everything these people do? Of course he is selling his cars, the paparazzi know them by now in addition to knowing where he lives. Robert is a class act, genuine and has a reputation around Hollywood as being one of the nicest celebrities. He is doing all of this on his own and without a publicist. He's the real deal. What I would like to know is if a divorce filing by Liberty Ross will complicate any reconciliation efforts between Robert & Kristen. If it is amicable then perhaps the dirty details would not need to be revealed. Not sure of what the laws are in California. Certainly would not be good for Kristen in this situation though. Just more negative attention. As far as Robert goes, I don't believe him taking her back harms him at all career-wise and I believe he could care less what the haters think. He is getting quality roles in quality films with renowned directors, he is flourishing. His relationship with her won't impact that. She, on the other hand, has some work to do to repair the damage ' personally and professionally. Hollywood loves a comeback story.

  • Have you even watched the interview?He went to ride a bike.Other people were sitting in the car. The whole story was an obvious dig at Kristen.

  • please, before you post any comment, just stop and think.

    NOTHING you say will make anyone change their mind, NOTHING you say will change anything Rob and Kristen have done/said/do in the future.

    Look back through all these posts ' same things all the way

    Rob didn't care, he looks too happy
    Robs devasted, he's lost so much weight
    Kristen looks fine, it was all a hoax
    Kristen looks thin, not coping.

    and now of course because of what Rob spoke about he is gay and thats why Kristen had a fling with Rupert Sanders, forgetting that Kristen apologised saying she loves him so much.

    So please don't post anything more, its all been said before. just let it go. its not helping anyone least of all rob or kristen.

  • I've cheated, and I can tell you they love you a lot and there are things to overlook. Love makes you do crazy things and forgiveness is possible. However, when you stay together it's a constant doubt and can you blame them? No, because it was caused by you.

    As much as you love the person, the cheating is always there for the person who was hurt by it. That is very hard to move on from in private. I cannot imagine in public. I would have hated for my partner to have it splashed in their face 24/7, it must be very hard.

  • well as per Rona (Dylan) Rob only had sex with Kristen when he was drunk.My reply was to Rona.

  • Oh ok, I don't know his address, but if you did and googled, and it isn't there, there is the answer.

    This is how rumors get started.

  • I have nothing to say lol lol

  • @ GUest ' Yes, I think it was about Kristen too, but people will see what they want.

  • Robert does not have a publicist. Nick is his manager.

  • @Guest ' I am going to respectfully disagree on one point, GC has also been very good to Kristen debunking every shred of fiction/fact/ opinion.

  • And you still watched him? I don't watch the inteviews with the people I hate.

  • WOW! I can't believe you seriously think that is what he is trying to say! I don't think it had anything to do with her, stop reaching!

  • Haha I was right when I first commented 'Is this one of your many personalities Kiko/Dylan?' the screen name was something like Omunn now its showing Dylan for me .YOU GOT BUSTED,DUDE!

  • your name is ece? or just a random moniker?

  • Which is more than anyone can say for you, Dylan.

  • Ha ha ha. You actually think your little rant will be effective and people will stop posting about Kristen's scandal and stop speculating about the status of their relationship? Really? You're too funny. Ain't gonna happen, but hey if it makes you feel better then sure why not. At least, there's new gossip about whether Rob's house is up for sale. I am nosy so I am curious if that's true or not.

  • No matter how noble your motives are, you can not stop people from commenting on a board that is, well kinda intended for exactly this purpose, just by wishing it.

    - sorry mate, this is the interweb, and it can't be stopped.

  • what if Rob asked why and she told him the truth, and if that truth is way worse than we think, if this started months ago, if Kristen and Rupert had sex, in that case I don't think love would be enough, that would be too much for him, so don't say 'if Rob loves her he should blah blah'

  • @Anon ' I know that Nick is his manager. Rob said he doesn't need a publicist because Nick's acts like one and does that work for me, per his GM interview. Nick is better than any other person to be his publicist. Just look at the all the article GC does about Rob and Nick is friends with the main guy.

  • True, some people are being ridiculous with their 'If he loves her he will take her back' ultimatums.How about 'If Kristen really loved him she would've been faithful'

  • @Both909 ' Point taken.

  • i cant stand when people say stop blaming the victums robert and liberity what exactly are they victums of'life'I belive it was put best in a movie predators 2 shit happens' in every day life rubert anit the first man to go for a younger version of his wife and he wont be the last the, high point and beauty for the rest of the douchbag assholes that do it s they dont have to worry about the papz being noisy lil parasites sucking on the blood of society. :D robert and liberity were not murdered they werent assulted or abused therefor they are not victums, they are jus caught in a messy situations that fans for both robert and kristen are not maken any better and neather is the media but i believe rob said it best him self in a recent interview the media makes people stupied and in case anyone didnt realize that sounded like a dig towards certain fans!'just saying OH and FYI I had no friggin clue who this woman was or that she even was the woman who played snow whites mother, in the movie till all this broke so technically if it wasnt for kristen stewat yet again she wouldnt be this popular and famous right now.'The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.'

  • @JLR ' where are they saying the house is listed? I haven't seen that, if it's on twitter or Rob's Imdb, grain of salt. Mags don't know they are just speculating like we all are.

  • LOL You can't accept the fact that your beloved Kristen cheated voluntarily.That's why feel the need to justify her behavior.Trying to shift the blame on Rob or calling their relationship an open one won't change the facts,sweetie.

  • @Jessica ' so are you saying that when he says he doesn't believe in cheating that he's not being serious. How does that work? We believe him when he says he doesn't believe in cheating but we don't believe any of his other comments that make him sound weird as sh!t.

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